
modernist and emblematic layout combine within justus dahinden's kung-tung congregation in taiwan

.Kung-Tung Congregation stands as A Modernist Site in Taitung Kung-Tung Religion, created through Swiss designer physician Justus Dahinden, stands up as a notable instance of modernist style in Taiwan, accomplished in 1958. Often described as 'The Notre-Dame-du-Haut of Taiwan,' this property embodies a distinct mixture of functional design and architectural technology. Located within a Technical Senior High School in Taitung Metropolitan area, the building initially served multiple reasons, housing advisers dorm rooms, class, a canteen, and a church. During the time of its building, it was the highest building in Taitung Metropolitan area, exemplifying a dependable option to the diverse needs of the college. The church is actually captured of YHLAA studio.all photos by YHLAA studio YHLAA captures Kung-Tung Parish's building complexities The property experienced damage during the course of the 9-21 as well as 3-31 quakes, causing its distinction as an unsafe establishment. In 2004, a detailed building evaluation was conducted, and with help from donations, a six-year makeover project brought back the chapel to its former performance. Today, Kung-Tung Church is realized as one of the best essential properties in Taiwan, having actually been picked by the World Heritage Board for its architectural value. YHLAA workshop records the church's distinct kind and also spatial narration.Kung-Tung Church combines modernist functions with symbolic designthe four-story design unifies nonreligious and also spiritual rooms within a solitary rectangular formthe lesser floors are actually designed along with a modernist strategy to suit numerous functionssprayed concrete wall structures describe the building type of the church.